
flexible workloads

Amazon EKS & Karpenter: Configure Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection for Flexible Workloads

This post assumes you’re familiar with Kubernetes, Amazon EKS, & Karpenter. Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection Attribute-based instance type selection (ABS) lets you … Read The Full News

business gears

Leveraging Custom Images for AWS CodeBuild: Enhancing Your Build Process

Introduction AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that allows you to compile, test, and package your code. While CodeBuild … Read The Full News

Running Container Images as Lambda Functions on AWS

Introduction Serverless computing has revolutionized the way applications are developed and deployed in the cloud. AWS Lambda, one of the key services … Read The Full News

Offload Secret Management to AWS Secrets Manager from Amazon EKS

Introduction Secrets in Kubernetes, are Base 64 encoded. As such, its trivial for anyone with access to the secret objects, to decode … Read The Full News

boat wheel

Migrating OpenShift Templates to Helm Charts for Amazon EKS: Design Guidelines & Lessons Learned

Introduction If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you know that we recently completed a large-scale migration of hundreds of … Read The Full News

Enforce EBS Encryption Across an AWS Organization

Introduction My team & I manage an AWS organization with 90+ AWS accounts. We recently embarked on a campaign to enforce EBS … Read The Full News

business gears

Automate EC2 AMI Using SSM Document Automation and EventBridge

We will automate the creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the EC2 instance through custom System Manager (SSM) document automation and … Read The Full News

cloud gears

Create AWS Resources using CloudFormation from SSM Parameter Store

Introduction CloudFormation is generally known as IAC (Infrastructure as Code). We create templates as a blueprint for building AWS resources that are … Read The Full News

Automatically Test Your EC2 Backups to Ensure Recoverability in Case of Disasters

Backups are important! But testing backups are just as important! Backups that don’t work when restored are just as useless as not … Read The Full News

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